11. Property, plant and equipment

Group Quarries Land Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Year ended 31 December 2012
Opening balance 117.925 293.398 223.585 1.095.531 66.453 16.428 67.656 1.880.976
Additions 627 3.597 1.296 5.211 - 384 33.536 44.651
Addition due to consolidation of new subsidiary - 1.001 - - - - - 1.001
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) - -139 -5 -18.453 -6.906 -18 -278 -25.799
Reclassification of assets to/from other PPE categories -190 -119 25.075 32.074 5.485 762 -57.913 5.174
Transfers from inventories (note 19) - - - 1.131 - - - 1.131
Transfers from investment properties (note 12) - - 2.849 - - - - 2.849
Depreciation charge (note 29) -1.978 -2.802 -12.718 -68.331 -15.256 -3.371 - -104.456
Reversal of impairment of PPE (note 29) - -129 1.042 - - - 913
Exchange differences -2.122 -6.661 -7.146 -30.037 -967 -269 -1.275 -48.477
Ending balance 114.262 288.146 232.936 1.018.168 48.809 13.916 41.726 1.757.963
Leased assets under finance leases
Opening balance - - - 5.986 526 - - 6.512
Additions - - - 12 - - - 12
Reclassification of assets to other categories - - - -5.174 - - - -5.174
Depreciation charge (note 29) - - - -234 -99 - - -333
Exchange differences - - - 49 7 - - 56
Ending balance - - - 639 434 - - 1.073
At 31 December 2012
Cost 156.303 307.574 386.983 1.645.385 197.510 54.391 41.726 2.789.872
Accumulated depreciation -27.529 -19.428 -154.047 -624.404 -148.262 -40.245 - -1.013.915
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE -14.512 - - -2.174 -5 -230 - -16.921
Net book value 114.262 288.146 232.936 1.018.807 49.243 13.916 41.726 1.759.036

Group Quarries Land Buildings Plant & equipment Motor vehicles Office furniture, fixtures and equipment Assets under construction Total
(all amounts in Euro thousands) Year ended 31 December 2013
Opening balance 114.262 288.146 232.936 1.018.168 48.809 13.916 41.726 1.757.963
Additions 2.290 263 831 3.287 410 230 41.131 48.442
Disposals (NBV) (note 29) -73 -1.008 -468 -955 -518 -10 -106 -3.138
Reclassification of assets to other PPE categories 1.666 -519 4.075 25.218 -2.180 849 -29.109 -
Transfers to inventories (note 19) - - - -122 - - -131 -253
Transfers to investment properties (note 12) - -206 -3.314 - - - - -3.520
Depreciation charge (note 29) -2.128 -2.736 -11.507 -66.014 -12.438 -3.115 - -97.938
Impairment of PPE (note 29) - -603 - 24 - - - -579
Exchange differences -4.338 -19.392 -12.756 -56.675 -892 -246 -2.175 -96.474
Ending balance 111.679 263.945 209.797 922.931 33.191 11.624 51.336 1.604.503
Leased assets under finance leases
Opening balance - - - 639 434 - - 1.073
Additions - - - 272 - - - 272
Depreciation charge (note 29) - - - -99 -92 - - -191
Exchange differences - - - -12 -10 - - -22
Ending balance - - - 800 332 - - 1.132
At 31 December 2013
Cost 154.064 285.772 369.105 1.592.996 182.409 53.904 51.336 2.689.586
Accumulated depreciation -28.501 -21.254 -159.308 -667.113 -148.880 -42.049 - -1.067.105
Accumulated losses of impairment of PPE -13.884 -573 - -2.152 -6 -231 - -16.846
Net book value 111.679 263.945 209.797 923.731 33.523 11.624 51.336 1.605.635
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