20. Receivables and prepayments

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Trade receivables 133.681 136.182 17.666 18.945
Cheques receivables 20.172 23.000 5.883 7.339
Trade receivables from related parties (note 33) - - 10.561 10.505
Allowance for doubtful debtors -28.820 -31.694 -5.402 -6.131
125.033 127.488 28.708 30.658
Creditors advances 4.161 2.766 93 75
Income tax receivables 3.431 6.416 375 3.626
V.A.T. and other tax receivables 19.941 22.024 1.799 542
Clay fee receivable (note 4, 29, 37 ) 2.077 8.577 - -
Prepayments and other receivables 34.645 36.151 13.706 14.517
Other receivables from related parties (note 33 ) 9 9 2.752 9.501
Allowance for doubtful debtors -2.195 -4.251 -1.763 -1.620
62.069 71.692 16.962 26.641
187.102 199.180 45.670 57.299

The €2.1 mil. (2012: €8.6 mil.) "clay fee receivable" is the amount of the refundable clay fee recorded from the Group's subsidiaries in Egypt.

As at 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows:

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Neither past due but not impaired 72.350 67.635 23.000 21.884
Past due nor impaired :
< 30 days 23.894 26.287 3.049 3.700
30-60 days 8.296 12.738 489 2.438
60-90 days 2.765 4.773 311 563
90-120 days 2.897 3.992 97 203
>120 days 14.831 12.063 1.762 1.870
125.033 127.488 28.708 30.658

Part of the aforementioned trade receivables is secured by guarantees/collaterals, amounting to €26,743 thousand for the Group and €11,456 thousand for the Company (note 32).

Trade receivables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled on 30-170 days for the Group and the Company.

Allowance for doubtful debtors analysis Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Balance at 1 January 35.945 38.397 7.751 9.995
Charge for the year (note 29 ) 6.299 12.205 1.604 2.166
Unused amounts reversed (note 29 ) -8.486 -12.118 -1.570 -3.778
Utilized -1.983 -2.582 -620 -632
Reclassification from receivables/payables -301 114 - -
Exchange differences -459 -71 - -
Balance at 31 December 31.015 35.945 7.165 7.751