About Titan
2013 In Review
Regional Performance
Annual Financial Report
Statements of Members of the Board of Directors
Report of the Board of Directors
Explanatory Report of the Board of Directors
Corporate Governance Statement
Independent Auditor's Report
Primary Financial Statements
Income Statement
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the Financial Statements
1. General information
2. Significant accounting estimates and judgments
3. Operating segment information
4. Other revenue and expenses
5. Expenses by nature
6. Finance income/(expense)
7. Staff costs
8. Income tax expense
9. Losses per share
10. Proposed distribution of Contigency Reserves
11. Property, plant and equipment
12. Investment property
13. Intangible assets and Goodwill
14. Principal subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
15. Investment in associates
16. Available-for-sale financial assets
17. Other non current assets
18. Deferred income taxes
19. Inventories
20. Receivables and prepayments
21. Cash and cash equivalents
22. Share capital and premium
23. Other reserves
24. Borrowings
25. Retirement and termination benefit obligations
26. Provisions
27. Other non-current liabilities
28. Trade and other payables
29. Cash generated from operations
30. Business combinations
31. Interest in joint ventures
32. Contingencies and commitments
33. Related party transactions
34. Financial risk management objectives and policies
35. Fair value measurement
36. Fiscal years unaudited by the tax authorities
37. Reclassifications / restatements
38. Events after the reporting period
Appendix I
Appendix II
Summary Financial Results
Key Financials 2009-2013
Contact us
Annual Financial Report
Statements of Members of the Board of Directors
Report of the Board of Directors
Explanatory Report of the Board of Directors
Corporate Governance Statement
Independent Auditor's Report
Primary Financial Statements
Income Statement
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the Financial Statements
1. General information
2. Significant accounting estimates and judgments
3. Operating segment information
4. Other revenue and expenses
5. Expenses by nature
6. Finance income/(expense)
7. Staff costs
8. Income tax expense
9. Losses per share
10. Proposed distribution of Contigency Reserves
11. Property, plant and equipment
12. Investment property
13. Intangible assets and Goodwill
14. Principal subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
15. Investment in associates
16. Available-for-sale financial assets
17. Other non current assets
18. Deferred income taxes
19. Inventories
20. Receivables and prepayments
21. Cash and cash equivalents
22. Share capital and premium
23. Other reserves
24. Borrowings
25. Retirement and termination benefit obligations
26. Provisions
27. Other non-current liabilities
28. Trade and other payables
29. Cash generated from operations
30. Business combinations
31. Interest in joint ventures
32. Contingencies and commitments
33. Related party transactions
34. Financial risk management objectives and policies
35. Fair value measurement
36. Fiscal years unaudited by the tax authorities
37. Reclassifications / restatements
38. Events after the reporting period
Appendix I
Appendix II
Summary Financial Results
Key Financials 2009-2013
the full 2013 Annual Financial Report
Files Collector
Primary Financial Statements
Income Statement
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
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