4. Other revenue and expenses

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Group Company
2013 2012 2013 2012
Scrap sales 1.007 1.429 425 168
Compensation income 356 312 - -
Income from services 3.075 5.924 3.523 6.463
Rental income 1.958 2.117 1.160 1.399
Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment (29) 1.603 2.838 56 -
Fair value gain from investment property (12) - 884 - -
Reversal of Staff leaving indemnities provision (25) - 2.119 - 1.653
Reversal of non utilized provisions (29) 2.703 3.175 - 2.574
Refundable clay fees (20,28,29) - 806 - -
Exceptional items (*) 1.646 - - -
Other income 4.486 2.165 2.092 1.295
Other income total 16.834 21.769 7.256 13.552
Provisions (29) - - -181 -
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment (29) - - - -232
Fair value loss from investment property (12) -626 -264 -683 -226
Staff leaving indemnities (25) -1.607 - -633 -
Restructuring cost (25) -390 -2.873 - -728
Exceptional items (*) - -7.589 - -
Legal expenses (32) -23 -59 - -
Other expenses -1.583 -1.465 -77 -353
Other expenses total -4.229 -12.250 -1.574 -1.539

(*) In 2013, exceptional items in other income include insurance procceds related to the collapse of a concrete silo roof at the Group's cement plant in Pennsuco, Florida USA in 2012.

In 2012, exceptional items in other expense include: a) €3,574 thousand due to an accident caused by the collapse of a concrete silo roof at the Group's cement plant in Pennsuco, Florida USA (note 32), b) €262 thousand due to the damages caused by hurricane "Sandy" at the Group's facilities in Essex, New Jersey, and c) €3,753 thousand from the final judgement of decision of the legal case between the Beni Suef governorate and the Group's subsidiary in Egypt, Beni Suef Co SAE, concerning the retroactive payment in favor of the Beni Suef governorate of the fee of EGP 2 (€0.24) per cement ton produced from 22 October 2002 until 3I December 2011.