28. Trade and other payables

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Trade payables 113.687 102.913 29.104 19.143
Amounts due to related parties (note 33) 521 618 9.796 8.549
Other payables 14.251 27.862 3.951 3.401
Accrued expenses 35.062 32.625 1.026 7.115
Social security 3.467 3.093 2.453 2.020
Customer down payments/advances 16.986 30.754 265 508
Dividends payable 313 352 160 230
Government grants (note 27) 224 232 224 232
Other taxes 8.920 8.560 1.340 1.388
193.431 207.009 48.319 42.586

Other payables consists mainly of liabilities relating to transportation for cement and raw materials as well as employee benefit payables.

Terms and conditions of the above financial liabilities:

Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled in 10-120 days for the Group and the Company.

Other payables are non-interest bearing and have an average term of one month both for the Group and the Company.