23. Other reserves

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Legal reserve Special reserve Contingency reserves Tax exempt reserves under special laws Revaluation reserve Actuarial differences reserve Currency translation differences on derivative hedging position Foreign currency translation reserve Total other reserves
Balance at 1 January 2012 84.207 2.275 271.892 137.369 65.609 1.238 36.526 -172.088 427.028
Other comprehensive loss - - - - 474 194 -363 -26.404 -26.099
Non-controlling interest's put option recognition & transfer between reserves - - - - -2.387 - - - -2.387
Partial disposal of subsidiary -836 - - - -2.134 - - 1.279 -1.691
Transfer between reserves 4.928 -8.752 - -4.177 -7.823 - - - -15.824
Balance at 31 December 2012 88.299 -6.477 271.892 133.192 53.739 1.432 36.163 -197.213 381.027
Other comprehensive loss - - - - 1.065 1.872 1.735 -83.700 -79.028
Non-controlling interest's put option recognition & transfer between reserves - - - - -4.515 - - - -4.515
Transfer between reserves 2.527 - - - -6.712 - - - -4.185
Balance at 31 December 2013 90.826 -6.477 271.892 133.192 43.577 3.304 37.898 -280.913 293.299

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Company Legal reserve Special reserve Contingency reserves Tax exempt reserves under
special laws
Revaluation reserve Actuarial differences reserve Currency translation differences on
derivative hedging position
Total other reserves
Balance at 1 January 2012 68.650 16.245 259.998 120.754 -3.234 542 48.346 511.301
Other comprehensive loss - - - - 655 597 - 1.252
Transfer between reserves - - - -4.173 - - - -4.173
Balance at 31 December 2012 68.650 16.245 259.998 116.581 -2.579 1.139 48.346 508.380
Other comprehensive loss - - - - 653 482 1.743 2.878
Transfer between reserves - - - - 4.588 - -4.588 -
Balance at 31 December 2013 68.650 16.245 259.998 116.581 2.662 1.621 45.501 511.258

Certain Group companies are obliged according to the applicable commercial law to retain a percentage of their annual net profits as legal reserve. This reserve cannot be distributed during the operational life of the company.

The Contingency Reserves include, among others, reserves formed by the Company and certain Group subsidiaries by applying developmental laws. These reserves have exhausted their tax liability or have been permanently exempted from taxation so there is no additional tax charge for the Group and the Company from their distribution.The Board of Directors decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled on 20, June 2014, the distribution of €8,463,252.80 from the aforementioned reserves (note 10).

The Tax Exempt Reserves under Special Laws, according to the Greek tax legislation, are exempt from income tax, provided that they are not distributed to the shareholders. Exceptions are the reserves formed under the terms of L.2238/1994, on which taxation is imposed under L.4172/2013. For these reserves, the Group and the Company have recognized relevant provisions amounting to €4.5 mil. and €4.2 mil. respectively.

The distribution of the remaining aforementioned reserves can be carried out after the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and the payment of the applicable tax. The Group has no intention to distribute the remaining amount of these reserves and consequently, has not calculated the income tax that would arise from such distribution.

The Revaluation Reserve includes: a) €49.8 mil. (2012: €56.1 mil.) as the fair value of tangible and intangible assets that the Group had in Egypt through its participation in the joint venture Lafarge-Titan Egyptian Investments Ltd, until it fully acquired the joint venture, b) €1.3 mil. (2012: €0.9 mil.) in fair value changes on available-for-sale financial assets and c) the €7.6 mil. (2012: €3.0 mil.) debit difference between the fair value and the book value arising from the recognition of the put option of the non-controlling interests for the sale of ANTEA Cement SHA's shares.

The Actuarial Differences Reserve records the actuarial gains and losses arising from the actuarial studies performed by the Group's subsidiaries for various benefit, pension or other retirement schemes (note 25).

The Foreign Currency Translation Reserve is used to record exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries.

The Currency Translation Differences on Derivative Hedging Position Reserve illustrates the exchange differences arising from the translation into euro of loans in foreign currency, which have been designated as net investment hedges for certain Group subsidiaries abroad. It also illustrates the exchange differences arising from the valuation of financial instruments used as cash flow hedges for transactions in foreign currencies.