16. Available-for-sale financial assets

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Opening balance 1.940 2.206 169 169
Additions 3.043 47 3.003 -
Disposals -3.000 -84 -3.000 -
Revaluations -342 -225 - -
Exchange differences -5 -4 - -
Ending balance 1.636 1.940 172 169
Analysis of available-for-sale financial assets:
Non-current portion 1.573 1.877 111 108
Current portion 63 63 61 61
1.636 1.940 172 169

Available-for-sale financial assets include mainly non-listed securities.

Available-for-sale investments are fair valued annually at the close of business on 31 December (note 35).