24. Borrowings

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Bank borrowings 62.415 77.395 173 24.468
Debentures 50.000 97.070 50.000 -
Finance lease liabilities 208 171 - -
112.623 174.636 50.173 24.468
Bank borrowings 393.605 438.963 - -
Debentures 216.618 266.105 - 50.000
Loans from related parties - - 745.835 691.950
Finance lease liabilities 210 159 - -
610.433 705.227 745.835 741.950
Total borrowings 723.056 879.863 796.008 766.418

Maturity of non-current bank borrowings (excluding finance lease liabilities):

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Between 1 and 2 years 298.945 80.042 646.704 643.939
Between 2 and 3 years 21.374 274.118 - -
Between 3 and 4 years 222.780 22.890 99.131 -
Between 4 and 5 years 11.218 197.760 - 98.011
Over 5 years 55.906 130.258 - -
610.223 705.068 745.835 741.950

Group subsidiary Titan Global Finance PLC (TGF) raised on January 30th, 2014 a new €455 mil. syndicated revolving credit facility, guaranteed by Titan Cement Company S.A. (note 38).

In November 2013, the Group’s subsidiary in Bulgaria, Zlatna Panega Cement, raised a new working capital committed credit line of BGN 5.865 mil. (€3 mil.), with a 1.5 year maturity, guaranteed by Titan Cement Company S.A..

The effective interest rates that affect the Income Statement are as follows:

Group Company
2013 2012 2013 2012
Bank borrowings (USD) 2,90% 2,91% - -
Bank borrowings (JPY) 2,70% 2,70% - -
Bank borrowings (EGP) 11,70% 10,46% - -
Bank borrowings (BGN) 4,01% 3,92% - -
Bank borrowings (TRY) 10,55% 15,10% - -
Bank borrowings (LEK) 7,69% 8,04% - -
Bank borrowings (CAD) 3,13% - - -
Bank borrowings (€) 5,65% 4,94% 4,30% 4,21%
Finance lease liabilities (USD) 4,95% 6,98% - -
Finance lease liabilities  (€) 4,2-5,2% 5,3%-6,9% - -

Bank borrowings in foreign currencies (including finance leases):

(all amounts per currency thousands)
Amounts in F.C. Amounts in Euro
2013 2012 2013 2012
USD 218.233 199.464 158.243 151.178
JPY 1.000.376 1.500.564 6.912 13.208
EGP 195.665 528.000 20.419 62.879
BGN 40.996 54.334 20.961 27.781
TRY 22.911 23.867 7.739 10.134
LEK 4.494.217 4.520.160 32.056 32.382
CAD 1.520 1.880 1.036 1.431
GBP 190 - 228 -

The Group has the following undrawn borrowing facilities:

Group Company
(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012 2013 2012
Floating rate:
- Expiring within one year 157.007 133.330 103.828 75.170
- Expiring beyond one year 482.639 570.226 85.000 202.300

The Group has adequate undrawn committed and uncommitted borrowing facilities to meet future business requirements.

The present value of the finance lease liabilities may be analyzed as follows:

(all amounts in Euro thousands) 2013 2012
Finance lease liabilities - minimum lease payments
Not later than 1 year 216 175
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 210 165
426 340
Future finance charges on finance leases -8 -10
Present value of finance lease liabilities 418 330

Lease liabilities are effectively secured as the rights to the leased assets revert to the lessors in the event of default.