33. Related party transactions

Titan Cement Company S.A. is the parent company of the Group. The Company and its subsidiaries enter into various transactions with related parties are during the year. The sales to and purchases from related parties are made at normal market prices. Outstanding balances at year-end are unsecured and settlement occurs in cash. Intra-group transactions are eliminated on consolidation. Related party transactions exclusively reflect transactions between the companies of the Group.

The following is a summary of transactions that were carried out with related parties during the year:

Year ended 31 December 2012

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Sales to related parties Purchases from related parties Amounts owed by related parties Amounts owed to related parties
Other related parties - 2.286 - 521
Executives and members of the Board - - 9 -
- 2.286 9 521
Company Sales to related parties Purchases from related parties Amounts owed by related parties Amounts owed to related parties
Aeolian Maritime Company 7 - - 270
Albacem S.A. 3 - - -
Interbeton Construction Materials S.A. 17.283 5.068 5.889 1.012
Intertitan Trading International S.A. 4.529 - - -
Transbeton - Domiki S.A. 775 - 254 -
Quarries Gournon S.A. 3 - 586 -
Adocim Cimento Beton Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 549 - - -
Titan Cement International Trading S.A. 7 - 240 -
Fintitan SRL 7.169 - 2.693 -
Cementi Crotone S.R.L. 176 - 88 -
Titan Cement U.K. Ltd 9.523 29 3 -
Usje Cementarnica AD 7.944 386 74 -
Beni Suef Cement Co.S.A.E. 7.440 - 940 -
Alexandria Portland Cement Co. S.A.E 421 - 341 -
Cementara Kosjeric DOO 112 - 12 -
Zlatna Panega Cement AD 8 3 - -
Τitan Αmerica LLC 24 20 - 254
Essex Cement Co. LLC 17.055 44 1.574 7
Pozolani S.A. - 31 - -
Antea Cement SHA 1.553 - 604 -
Titan Global Finance PLC - 37.936 - 753.878
Quarries of Tanagra S.A. 5 - 6 -
SharrCem Sh.P.K 63 - - -
Other subsidiaries 13 - - -
Other related parties - 2.286 - 521
Executives and members of the Board - - 9 -
74.662 45.803 13.313 755.942

Year ended 31 December 2012

(all amounts in Euro thousands)
Group Sales to related parties Purchases from related parties Amounts owed by related parties Amounts owed to related parties
Other related parties - 2.120 - 618
Executives and members of the Board - - 9 -
- 2.120 9 618
Company Sales to related parties Purchases from related parties Amounts owed by related parties Amounts owed to related parties
Aeolian Maritime Company 1 - - 283
Albacem S.A. 3 - - 7
Interbeton Construction Materials S.A. 25.040 4.158 14.674 -
Intertitan Trading International S.A. 6.050 - 396 -
Transbeton - Domiki S.A. 238 - 61 -
Quarries Gournon S.A. 1 - 642 -
Titan Cement International Trading S.A. 7 - 515 -
Fintitan SRL 8.954 - 2.108 -
Titan Cement U.K. Ltd 5.485 13 759 -
Usje Cementarnica AD 11.157 - 27 -
Beni Suef Cement Co.S.A.E. 621 - 479 -
Alexandria Portland Cement Co. S.A.E 3 - 3 -
Cementara Kosjeric DOO 87 - 3 -
Zlatna Panega Cement AD 860 42 19 -
Τitan Αmerica LLC 58 224 - 270
Essex Cement Co. LLC 11.545 46 - -
Pozolani S.A. - 23 136 -
Antea Cement SHA 1.700 31 95 -
Titan Global Finance PLC - 30.839 - 699.321
Quarries of Tanagra S.A. 59 - 72 -
SharrCem Sh.P.K 194 - 2 -
Other subsidiaries 13 - 6 -
Other related parties - 2.120 - 618
Executives and members of the Board - - 9 -
72.076 37.496 20.006 700.499
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