3. Operating segment information

For management information purposes, the Group is structured in four operating (geographic) segments: Greece and Western Europe, North America, South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. Each operating segment is a set of countries. The aggregation of countries is based on geographic position.

Each region has a regional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who reports to the Group's CEO. In addition, the Group’s finance department is organized by geographic region for effective financial control and performance monitoring.

Management monitors the operating results of its business units separately for the purpose of making decisions, allocating resources and assessing performance.Segment performance is evaluated based on Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization (EBITDA). Financing is managed on a group basis and finance costs and finance revenue are allocated to the operating segments.

Information by operating segment

For the year ended 31 December 2013

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Greece and Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Adjustments and eliminations Total
Gross revenue 280.648 411.239 216.512 299.676 - 1.208.075
Inter-segment revenue -30.879 -216 -1.043 - - -32.138
Revenue from external customers 249.769 411.023 215.469 299.676 - 1.175.937
Profit before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and impairmentrever 14.009 32.058 62.958 87.139 -157 196.007
Depreciation & amortization -18.472 -53.253 -20.806 -23.033 204 -115.360
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets related to cost of sales -817 -604 - - - -1.421
(Loss)/Profit before interest and taxes -5.280 -21.799 42.152 64.106 47 79.226
Finance costs - net -46.023 -25.052 7.769 -18.342 -6.913 -88.561
Share of losses of the associates - - -305 - - -305
(Loss)/profit before taxes -51.303 -46.851 49.616 45.764 -6.866 -9.640
Less: Income tax 2.819 -2.243 -7.675 -12.257 - -19.356
(Loss)/profit after taxes -48.484 -49.094 41.941 33.507 -6.866 -28.996
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent -48.477 -49.094 39.137 29.226 -6.866 -36.074
Non-controlling interests -7 - 2.804 4.281 - 7.078
-48.484 -49.094 41.941 33.507 -6.866 -28.996

Greece and Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Adjustments and eliminations Total
Non-current assets 2.527.074 671.913 711.404 914.277 -2.721.977 2.102.691
Current assets 182.321 125.639 182.084 171.372 -63.051 598.365
Total Assets 2.709.395 797.552 893.488 1.085.649 -2.785.028 2.701.056
Non-current liabilities 1.775.613 370.808 153.312 135.766 -1.594.832 840.667
Current liabilities 197.851 60.791 38.114 87.953 -63.130 321.579
Total Liabilities 1.973.464 431.599 191.426 223.719 -1.657.962 1.162.246

Inter-segment revenues are eliminated upon consolidation and reflected in the "adjustments and eliminations" column.

(all amounts in Euro thousands) Greece and Western Europe North America South Eastern Europe Eastern Mediterranean Total
Capital expenditures (note 11,12,13) 12.426 13.671 12.936 11.349 50.382
(Impairment / Reversal of impairment) of property plant and equipment (note 11) -24 603 - - 579
Impairment of intangible assets-excluding goodwill (note 13) 42 - - - 42
Impairment of Goodwill (note 13) 800 - - - 800
(Reversal of allowance)/allowance for doubtful debtors (note 20) -2.644 197 57 203 -2.187
Investment in associates (note 15) - - 2.429 - 2.429

Capital expenditures consist of additions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment property as well as assets from acquisition of subsidiaries.

Impairment charges are included in the income statement.

Turnover is reported in the country in which the customer is located and consists of the sale of goods and services. There are sales between geographical segments at arms length. Total assets and capital expenditures are presented in the geographical segment of the company that owns the assets.

The transactions between segments are performed as described in note 33.

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